Dear 2022, what the hell was that?!

My 2022 started off with such high hopes, and soooooo many wishes for an incredible year. And it started off much better than I could anticipate. Being chronically Ill, you never know what to expect, but the unexpected is always just lurking right around the corner. And that is what happened to me. I started […]

I’ve now dodged death for a second time, how to unpack this?

Where do I even begin to start unpacking this round of traumatizing events? May 9th I began experiencing some of the most scary symptoms in a very long time. I din’t know what was happening or what to do. I knew this time was much different than the last time and that I had been […]

Views from a hospital bed 🏥

Views from my hospital room consist of my very sexy fian-bae who has been nothing short of amazing. But that been the only part of this that has been a relief and pleasant. This medical system that America operates under is broken in so many ways. It took 5 ER trips during the month of […]

Trying on hospital gowns instead of wedding gowns…

I have been engaged for 2 months and 6 days. And out of those two months and 6 days I have been writhing in some sort of pain. Whether the agony was from the constant inability to stay awake because of the nagging fatigue that I have been facing. Or if it was simply because […]